Cocoa podの Podfileの書き方が変わったらしい。
超初心者向け【cocoapods】の始め方。 | iPhoneアプリ備忘録
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$ pod install Re-creating CocoaPods due to major version update. Analyzing dependencies [!] The dependency `Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (~> 7.0)` is not used in any concrete target. The dependency `Google/Analytics` is not used in any concrete target. |
Cocoapods 1.0.0で注意すること – Qiita
pod initでPodfileを作成して開くとこのような内容になっていた。
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# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project # platform :ios, '9.0' target 'アプリ名' do # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks # use_frameworks! # Pods for アプリ名 target 'アプリ名Tests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end end |
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# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project platform :ios, '9.0' target 'アプリ名' do # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks! pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK', '~> 7.0' pod 'Google/Analytics' # Pods for アプリ名 target 'アプリ名Tests' do inherit! :search_paths # Pods for testing end end |
んで、pod installを実行したところ
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$ pod install Re-creating CocoaPods due to major version update. Analyzing dependencies Downloading dependencies Installing Google (2.0.4) Installing Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (7.7.1) Installing GoogleAnalytics (3.14.0) Installing GoogleInterchangeUtilities (1.2.0) Installing GoogleNetworkingUtilities (1.2.0) Installing GoogleSymbolUtilities (1.1.0) Installing GoogleUtilities (1.3.0) Generating Pods project Integrating client project Sending stats Pod installation complete! There are 2 dependencies from the Podfile and 7 total pods installed. |
【cocoapods】たまにしか使わないのですぐにわからなくなる。/(^o^)\ | iPhoneアプリ備忘録